Wednesday, January 14, 2015

My Winter Essentials

You know that morning when you wake up. It went to -40 the night before and your house is colder than it usually is? You stir in your bed and even your sheets are cold. You know the only thing in the world that will warm you up is a steaming, hot cup of something to counteract that icy chill that’s started in your bones.Well that warm, fuzzy feeling you get just at the thought of your fingers clasping tightly around that cup sums up how I feel about my winter essentials. They’re the things that seem to make that polar vortex not so bad, or at least bearable.

So I’ve decided to do a what’s in my bag of some sorts. More specifically, Lo’s Winter Essentials(because what’s a blog post without a flashy title). I myself am always interested in other people's must-haves - the products, necessities, and best qualities that are here for all of our lifestyle needs. There’s no limits, really. Cameras, food, sneakers, pens, mugs, coffee, sweaters, whatever it may be. I always like to know what other people have had the best luck with, what they find to be their prized possession, or that one product that they keep running back to the store for. For those who do not share fully in my pain and are exempted from the deep dark depths of Canadian winters, you may not feel as strongly about mittens, but I’m sure you will be able to sympathize with the products I so desperately need at my right hand. (All the links are in the bolded words for your purchasing/viewing pleasure!)

Water. I can hear you now. What? Lo? Hello. It’s freezing, remember? I know, trust me, but hear me out. Dehydration is just as common in the summer as it is winter. In fact, when we’re exposed to cold temperatures, our blood vessels constrict, preventing blood flow to our extremities (which explains my extremely cold hands, apologies to anyone who has been subjected to their ice-like qualities). By doing this, it helps our bodies to conserve heat by bring blood flow to the core. Have you ever noticed how you’re never really that thirsty in the winter months? Because of this, our bodies are essentially being tricked into thinking it’s properly hydrated.

All of this being said, on a good day, my body needs at least four full doses of my Lifefactory water bottle, each of which I add a little organic lemon juice to, which helps to purify my blood and aid in liver detoxification. Water is so important for our bodies. To get rid of toxins, purify our blood, build healthy cells and even to keep our skin looking hydrated. So yes, water is my number one essential for Winter. Lifefactory makes a really good quality glass water bottle that I’ve had for a year and never had any issues with. They’re dishwasher safe and I don’t have the worries of what I would with some plastic water bottles.

JR.Watkins Lip Balm. Man or woman, you know you have the chapped lip problem in the winter. For me? This happens as soon as November 15 rolls around. It’s like no matter how much lip balm I apply, the problem stays the same. Sometimes, it even gets worse. Except this year, I found JR Watkins Lip Balm in my stocking and I think I can safely say it’s one of my favourite Christmas presents. This particular flavour contains (all natural ingredients) beeswax, coconut oil, peppermint oil and rosemary leaf extract. I’ve found it hard to find products that are made with all natural ingredients that seem to blend together and do the job they’re supposed to. This one is definitely a winner. Cue the standing ovation for J.R.Watkins.

A warm toque (beanie to you Americans). I have been known to own a beanie or twelve and I honestly can say it’s the only thing that keeps me warm, often to the point of overkill. You know when you used to be playing outside and your mother would yell at you to put your hat back on after a ravaged snowball fight with the neighbours kids? She meant well. That myth about your heat escaping out the top of your head seems to have been true all along. Exaggerated wink. Of course there is a plethora of toques out there that you can choose from, but my Rella black and maroon(not pictured) are a few that I love. The more oversized, the better, I always say. Since my Rella toque's are a few years old I wasn't able to find a link, but here are a few other brands that I love. Arborist. Reason.

My moisturizer. You would classify my skin as combination, but when the snow and chills hit me, I’m dry as the Coachella Valley. As soon as I’m out of the shower, I can physically feel how thirsty my skin is. And this product does the trick. I will admit I am on the diligent search for a moisturizer that is made with 100% natural ingredients because of my daily struggle to avoid toxins in some chemicals. So because of this, I’m crossing my fingers for a local find somewhere in Ontario. If any of you have one you really enjoy, I would love if you would leave it in the comments!

Sweaters. I can’t survive the winter without them. I think you all can sympathize with me on this one. I don’t really even need to explain. Sweaters are cozy, and cozy is the closest feeling to joy. This one is from Winners so unfortunately I can't give you a link, but I'm sure you have a brand you love yourself, let me know in the comments!

Tea. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am a massive coffee drinker. Not in the six cups a day way. Just in the, I need a cup of coffee in the morning before I can do anything productive, way. But tea in the winter is cozy in the way that cable knit sweaters are. Teapigs is amazing, made with high quality whole leaf tea that I know is working in favour of my digestive system. This particular flavour is amazing because it contains so many antioxidants in the berries such as; cranberries, blueberries and elderberries. The hibiscus also makes for such an amazing flavour! Check out teapigs, asap.

Reading socks. I know they look like a perfectly good pair of wool socks. But you are sorely mistaken. These are specifically (the tag doesn’t lie) reading socks.What is a good book without warm socks and a cup of tea? Sounds pretty cozy to me.

Argan oil. Well, well, where do I begin? This magic oil came into my life right when I needed it. There’s been such a hype about argan oil for quite some time now but I had never dabbled in its magic up until a week or so ago. The best question to ask about this oil is what doesn’t it do? Moisturizes, conditions, shines, tames, de-frizzes…it doesn’t end, my friend. Whatever you want in a hair product, this will do it for you. It protects your hair when using tools with heat, which we’re all accustomed to. It’s as though it gives your hair a big gulp of water with every couple drops. Basically, if you’re looking for something to revamp your hair, this will have you stroking your locks excessively and being that girl who says “Hey, feel how soft my hair is.” Because everyone knows I am.

Vitamin D.(Not pictured because of the variety of amazing brands out there) You’d think with the overindulgence of sunshine we get in the summer, our bodies could somehow store vitamin D for the winter, like bears. But unfortunately, we’re not furry creatures who can fast for months at a time. Unless you live in a sunny place like say, California, it’s pretty hard to get enough sunshine in the winter, so vitamin D is the most winter-essential supplements you can have. Vitamin D helps to boost your immunity, improve your mood by elevating serotonin levels, control appetite and even lower insulin. It’s also been proven to help with fat-loss and shedding winter weight that we all want to badly to strip away. If you’re considering roaming the supplement aisles this week, definitely make sure you pick up a natural, good quality brand from your local health food store!

Oscillococcinum. Last but not least. Thankfully, I have not yet had the unfortunate event of being infected with a cold, flu or cough this winter season. It’s a miracle, isn’t it? But the few times I’ve felt a tickle in my throat or a heavy sinus headache, this is what I’ve taken. It’s a homeopathic medicine that I’ve been able to find numerous times at my local grocery store. (Independent, for you Canadians) This stuff is like magic, believe me. When I am sick, it seems to start working almost immediately and when I feel the onset symptoms, the next morning, it’s like they were never there. Find this product for you cold-prone people, I promise you won’t regret it.

Yours truly,
The Holistic Darling

1 comment :

  1. Excited about your blog launch and etsy shop Laura! Fav item from this post... reading socks!
