Thursday, January 01, 2015

Welcome to The Holistic Darling!

Dear reader,

First off, Happy New Year! I thought it was appropriate to open my blog on the first day of a new year, a fresh start, a new beginning! As I sit here pondering what it is I want to express about myself on the internet, on my new found platform of self expression and inspiration, I'm stuck at what it is I want to say. My priority is to be genuine. I've been questioning how I should explain that my first and foremost passion is to bring glory to God and that by helping others I feel I am able to do just that. My journey to being a holistic nutritionist has been an exciting one to say the least. After graduating high school, I started my college career in Fashion. At the time, this was the right move for me and even though now I find myself in a different industry, I can still say with the utmost confidence that it was all orchestrated in a greater plan for me. I got a dose of confidence in myself and learned things about my body, my health and gained perspective of the bigger picture that is my life.

This is all to say that my education and career in Fashion eventually led me to people and places that led me to where I am now. I was so unhealthy and always felt awful about myself. After seeing the changes in my own health and my body after natural supplementation and a new way of eating, I knew there was proof behind the practice.

My blog is my place to show you helpful and inspiring tips of living holistically. I try my best everyday to make choices that are natural and will best help my body to be balanced. That isn't to say I am a super-human who never makes a slip-up with sweets or other tempting carbs. I mess up and I'm not afraid to admit it. I also have certain things I don't drink or eat because I don't believe in flooding my body with toxins and genetically modified organisms(GMO).

Aside from food and the holistic life, this is also a place for me to post things about daily life that inspire me, encourage me, excite me and sometimes even upset me.  So welcome to The Holistic Darling. Introductions first, for those who don't know me personally, I'm Laura. Most call me Lo. I hope that I can in some way inspire, encourage, excite or stir you to make a change for better health, life and joy!

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